If you’re just new to Internet Marketing and you have heard somewhere that there is a real benefit in writing and submitting articles to article directories. Chances are you have written a few articles, haven’t seen any immediate results in traffic and given the idea away having decided that there can be other ways to better utilize your time and get better results.
But this could be further from the truth! Any professional Internet Marketer that is worth his salt will tell you never, ever underestimate the power of articles and article submission.
There are many extremely valuable benefits from submitting articles.
Provides instant back links to your site or Blog, search engines love Article Sites, this is because they are regularly updated with high quality content, therefore search engines use a laser like focus on articles sites and they go over them with a fine tooth comb. Therefore your links get excellent exposure as soon as your article goes online.
Your Articles have the potential to go Viral, the articles that you submit, over time; have the potential to go viral. What I mean is that someone might pick your article up and use it their website and blog. And as luck will have it, be polite enough to keep any links intact, this of course create even more back links to your site/blog with no effort on your part.
Articles get your face out there and builds prestige, having many high quality articles out there makes you familiar and familiarity breeds trust. It also consolidates your authority in your particular niche or subject. Everyone knows the effect Big Brother has on just the average Joe Bloe, well writing a large number of high quality articles over time will attract the same sort of fanfare. You may not get any television contracts, but you will be much more identifiable and accepted online once you become familiar and prolific.
Quality is the key, some marketers emphasize to ‘just get articles out there’ this is ok if you are new to Internet marketing, but for an article to have longevity and to obtain maximum mileage from your articles I cannot stress enough to develop your article writing prowess so that your articles actually get noticed, they have to jump off the screen at the reader. It’s only then, that they will get used elsewhere on the net and you will start to see the benefits of submitting articles snowball.
Below I have a list of the best Articles Sites to submit to in order of search engine weight......
- EzineArticles.com
- GoArticles.com
- Articledashboard.com
- SelfGrowth.com
- Buzzle.com
- ArticleCity.com
- ArticlesFactory.com
Of course there are many more, these just seem to be the most popular with the major search engines! For more tips and tricks on generating traffic for your website or blog please check out this product, it has to be the most best kept secret and the most valuable Internet Marketing product I have come across on the net.
Internet Marketing System
Or check out my featured article on Ezine Articles
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