Don’t look at internet marketing as a get rich quick scheme, the moment you think you will strike it rich in a week you sabotage your success before you even begin. Decide from the start that you are going to be a successful Internet Marketer and not just someone who sells internet marketing products to other internet marketers. Dedicate yourself to learning all the information and developing skills for a long term career in internet marketing.
Hone your writing skills, one of the fastest ways of becoming an accomplished and respected internet marketer is by writing valuable, entertaining content which solves problems or provides useful information. The more entertaining and ‘easy reading’ your content is, the better the chance you will attract a large online audience and following.
Find a reliable source of up to date information, nothing beats having a personal mentor you can fall back on when you get stuck. Ideally at some point you will decide to sign up for internet marketing program, see if the person selling the program will provide you with mentorship or at least some ongoing support. Avoid paying for an internet program from someone just wanting to sell you something.
Be prolific, being a successful internet marketer is about having a large high quality portfolio of internet real estate, ‘websites & blogs’. Being everywhere will grant you ‘Big Brother’ status online and when you become prolific on the internet, you then become familiar to your audience and they will be more inclined to trust you.
Don’t get caught up in the hype and purchase the new ‘amazing two week online wealth building system’, if you buy into such scams you will only become disappointed and eventually quit. Internet marketing is about guiding a market, to a product and if possible adding some value in the process.
For anyone who is considering an Internet Marketing program, you can’t go past the Profit Lance system as one of the most comprehensive Internet Marketing resources online.
If you need any help with your internet marketing endeavors, need specific information or need a solution to a sticky problem, feel free to leave me a comment or send me an email.
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John Salamon
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Internet Marketing Tips for Beginners
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