Saturday, March 21, 2009

30 Day Challenge

Hello to all my readers, it has always been my intention to provide you with the latest internet marketing information and online tools, all the latest tips, tricks and hints which I have learnt or come across in my travels on the net, all of course totally free. If you have never heard of Ed Dale or the ’30 day challenge’, well I am about to rock your world. Whether you are just starting in the internet marketing scene or a seasoned pro, Ed Dale’s 30 day challenge is a must online resource to visit.

Of late I have been plugging the ‘paid for’ internet marketing education program ‘Profit Lance’ and don’t get me wrong, it’s one of the best programs out there. But in true form to this blog, I have made a promise to my readers to provide the best possible value!

The huge news is, that the ‘Thirty day Challenge’ is a free internet marketing educational program, yep you heard me right FREE! Not only is it free but it is a high quality program comprised mostly of downloadable videos with even some exclusive trial software deals. To come clean I have been following the challenge for about five days now, and it’s nothing short of amazing. Although it’s probably more geared to beginners, it is a highly effective educational resource, a program which you should really check out!

One of the online resources which you can get exclusive access to is a very powerful program called ‘Market Samurai’, probably the most effective market research tool to see the light of day and a must have for any serious internet marketer.

Anyway I won’t keep you from checking it out any longer, I am sure you are just as excited about the program as I was when I first heard about it, just be sure to come back here once and awhile for more breaking internet marketing news and cutting edge internet marketing tips, tricks and techniques.

Feel free to preview some of the 30 Day Challenge videos in the video bar on this page!

Thirty Day Challenge

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The dirty tricks some internet marketers use!

Just recently I was surfing the net researching what new money making opportunities may have poked their head up. 'It’s always wise to watch what your competitors are doing so they don’t get away from you'.

While I was doing this I come across a youtube clip of a marketer ‘absolutely dominating’ a keyword phrase. The problem was this keyword phrase; was so long-tail and obscure my grandmother could out rank this guy on google.

I think the point this person was trying to make was that he ‘absolutely dominated’ a whole page of google for his chosen keyword phrase, therefore he must be ‘damn good’. The only thing he doesn’t say in his video is that his chosen keyword phrase is so obscure and long tail that all of his sites barely get more than two to five visits a day.

Anyway I felt so strongly about this deception that I made a video to show you how to properly gauge keyword profitability instead of just focusing on page ranking, which really is only a small portion of the BIG picture.

The Market Samurai tool in the video is a new keyword research tool still in beta, but if you leave your email in the comments section I will send you details where you can get an extended trial.

Hope you like this post.


P.S. I am currently working on a wordpress blog which will have many more features than this blogger post, one of which will be hi-quality video, I'll keep you posted!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Basics of Search Engine Page Ranking

That said there is so much too getting a good ranking I could easily write a thousand page book, but here's the condensed version.

  • As many backlinks as possible from high authority sites as possible,
  • High quality; keyword rich content on your site which is updated often with keywords ‘emphasised’ in bold, italics or made into links.
  • A favourable domain name (keyword)
  • Favourable page title (keyword)
  • SOE optimized page code (HTML), meta tags, locality tags, page descriptors
  • Submit page and sitemap to google
  • Submit your site to social bookmarking sites,
  • Write high quality articles for article sites
  • Submit press releases and Squidoo pages
  • Submit site to search engine friendly directories

Depending on your targeted niche or topic you could need 70 to 150 quality backlinks to get on the first page of a Google search, also if you have a blog its best if you concentrate each post on single keyword. Use social bookmarking sites to create backlinks to your sites, but be selective, the best strategy is to initially submit to the top 4 or 5 bookmarking sites at first, more is not necessary better.

The aim of the game is a good mix of high quality backlinks adding numbers over time! If you create a large number of backlinks at one location the Google crawlers will get suspicious and you run the very real risk of being the victim of a Google slap which means Google will dump your page to the bottom of the pile, it pays to be patient!

Well good luck and I will post some more top tips for ranking on Google real soon.

P.S. A special Hello to my readers in Wisconsin