Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ready to Give up your day Job?

For anyone who wishes to give up their day job, it’s an appealing ambition to start a few blogs, watch them take off and quit the stress of the office life to sit in the comfort of your own home and live off of the advertising revenue.

Though despite the apparent success stories written mostly about events in our personal lives primarily for friends and family, the vast blogs on the internet today don’t really see great floods of traffic let alone see any fortunes made. Despite this, there are a select few people out there that do make a healthy income from blogging and have realized the recipe for success.

Here’s how the exceptions to the rule do it:

Pick a topic that interests you and that you know will interest your readers, technology, gadgets, computer games or subjects where you have the opportunity to solve problems for readers are good themes for blogs. But be careful about being too narrow and specific. You can only write so much about remedies for stretch marks, but there are literally volumes of valuable information you can write about in regards to the many issues, problems and remedies in respect to pregnancy.

Build up traffic
, I could write a dozen books on how to attract traffic to web sites and blogs but the basics involve reaching out to other bloggers, writing quality content that’s both entertaining and useful and updating that content regularly. Sometimes you can do all these three and still go relatively unnoticed on the web. The solution could be as simple as changing the title’s of your blogs to something that better catches viewers eyes.

Blogging is hardly a get rich scheme as many people expect their very first Blog to instantly become a smash hit. Even for experienced writers, a feel needs to be developed on what works on the web and what doesn’t and most people will give up due to a lack of results before they develop such a ‘feel’. Probably the best way to shorten your apprenticeship in blog writing is to read other peoples blogs, both good and bad. Look at the really popular blogs that attract thousands if not tens of thousands of visitors a month and try to emulate what they are doing.

Get a head start, after months of blogging and only seeing a gradual increase in regular traffic and new visitors I introduced an idea I learnt from business marketing. That is to spend 50% of my time studying what the competition is doing and spend 50% of my time trying to improve on it, and hey presto it worked! I was learning how to write content that attracted more visitors at a much faster rate so in the end I was doing less for more results.

Start strong, usually the first six months of a new blog are the hardest because a large amount of effort is involved just to make your blog visible and noticed among the many thousands that are out there. Create a strong momentum in this initial period and you have a much greater chance of seeing your blog make enough money to make payments on a new car.

Don’t rely purely on adsense,
while placing adsense ads on your blog is probably the quickest and easiest way to create revenue from your blog. The most successful bloggers use a combination of pay per click advertising and affiliates. Choosing one revenue type over the other will limit your income from your blog.

Multi stream you income,
while gaining revenue from both adsense and affiliate commissions, sometimes you blog posts are worthy enough to be morphed into articles and press releases which you can be paid for. Some bloggers have even secured freelance writing contracts from their blog posts.

Enjoy what you do,
you will find if you treat blogging like a job your passion just won’t be in it and this will feed back into your posts. Try and keep things interesting for yourself and enjoy yourself and not only will you find that the right words come more easily, you will be much more motivated and prolific and the end results will see the kind of online revenues you could only dream about!

For more information on writing, publishing and monetizing successful blogs please view the write ups on this little known Internet Marketing Review.

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Tip’s for using Adsense Ad’s

Tip’s for using Adsense Ad’s

There are literally dozens of tips for placing adsense advertisements on your webpage or blog with view of getting the maximum click through rates for your Ad’s.
For this post I will just give you the main tips for getting maximum clicks from your Ad’s.

The first thing is ‘Placement’, you wan’t your adsense ad’s to be placed as close as possible to the main content of your page as possible. The trick is to make the viewer feel the advertisements are not advertisements at all but are part of the main content of your page.

The best place would be at the top left area of your page as this is where we naturally look to start reading. Also along the vertical on the right hand side as this area is where our hand seems to spend most of it time while scanning a webpage.
Another trick to making adsense adverts look like the content on your page is to change the colour scheme to match your websites colour scheme.

Make the background of your adsesne ads the same as the background of your page as well as the border. Also make the text of your ads the same colour and font as the text of your content.

People have become immune to web adverts and tend to ignore them, but if you make your adverts look more like your content your page viewer will actaully give just as much attention to the adverts than the content and you will find your click through rate will show a marked increase.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thin Affiliates, are you about to get slapped!

Thin Affiliates, are you about to get slapped!

Google has recently issued a strong warning on those using thin affiliate websites, this is very important for everyone in affiliate marketing; especially those who wish to cut corners and seek to get an affiliate site up in minutes by using thin affiliate sites.

Thin Affiliate sites are basically sites that purely act as doorway pages to the merchant site without offering any real value or quality content; obviously they serve little purpose other than to direct the customer to the merchant site. This practise of using ‘thin affiliates’ goes hand in hand with MLM or Multi Level Marketing.

Personally I have never been a big fan of Multi Level Marketing; to me it just seems too much like a Ponzi or pyramid scheme and now Google seems to agree.

Allan Gardyne outlines the effects in his article:
Google says: “We differentiate between affiliates that produce extra service, value, or content, and those that simply are duplicates of other sites, set up to boost traffic to other sites and earn a commission for it. The former ones are not offensive and should be rated on the merits to the query. The latter ones are Offensive…

“Thin affiliate doorways are sites that usher people to a number of Affiliate programs, earning a commission for doing so, while providing little or no value-added content or service to the user. A site certainly has the right to try to earn income; we’re attempting to identify sites that do nothing but act as a commission-earning middleman.”

Google also says: “Do not call a page affiliate spam when an affiliation is only incidental to the message and purpose of a website. To determine whether participation in affiliate programs is central or incidental to the site’s existence, ask yourself this question: Would this site remain a coherent whole if the pages leading to the affiliate (merchant) were taken away?”

That probably counts out most affiliate sites.

Ironically the quotes in the article were from a document Google uses to train human agents to evaluate its search engine for accuracy.

The moral of this whole story is this, there is no such thing as a ‘free lunch’. For everyone that has thrown out there dozens of thin affiliate sites that provide no viewer value, they can expect the mother of all slaps by Google.

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Affiliate Project X

The Top Internet Marketing Secrets the Pros don’t Care to Tell You.

The Top Internet Marketing Secrets the Pros don’t Care to Tell You.
What many aspiring internet marketers don’t realise is that none of us are born with the unique ability to market online. It is a learnt, developed and multi disciplined skill which when practiced, only becomes easier over time. Sounds a bit like hard work? Well it is which is why most would rather look for the elusive Holy Grail of online marketing; the ‘instant cash’, rather than look for the simple tools that do actually work.

What may surprise you is that those who are highly successful at internet marketing have an established set of attributes, processes and habits that sets them apart. These marketers are truly bringing five figure incomes and often more, the real secrets of a highly successful internet marketer:

Hard Work: this alone puts off more people than anything, which is why most internet marketers selling their own program never ever say ‘it’s going to be hard work’. It’s the one secret that they effortlessly hide because most prospects don’t want to know about it anyway. My advice is that if you work hard enough initially, you will meet with a small success, which will then further motivate you to a greater success which then goes on and on. It’s waiting to pass that first success threshold that breaks most people.

Organization: after sometime of trying to do fifty things at once, I woke up to myself and realised I had to break things down. So I made a plan, set tasks and goals and outlined a timeline and prioritized aspects and tasks of my initial marketing campaign, which ultimately saw a fully completed project out there making money in no time at all.

Focused Planning: creating a plan provides you with a road map, a starting point and a perceived destination plus a detailed process to successfully navigate the journey. Also your plan can serve as a record which you can refer back to and improve on, for the next journey. Doing this will help you focus on continual improvement, and increase your profits exponentially.

Tips, Tricks and Tools: These can be processes, software, online applications or even websites which automate tasks, provide an added marketing benefit and save valuable time and increase productivity which ultimately magnify profits.

Discipline: highly successful internet marketers cultivate a healthy dose of discipline, those of us that appreciate the ability to get projects completed efficiently while managing workflow is the key to earning serious marketing revenue.

Information Source: it is always wise to be humble and realise that you don’t know everything, and that there are always people out there who know something you don’t.

Having a mentor and a complete source of high quality information was for me, the most valuable secret to my success. So for anyone relatively new to internet marketing, if you find a reputable source of complete information, value it.

Nothing else will get you to where you want to go as quickly as a comprehensive up to date information source.

The best advice I can give you, if you’re out there looking to venture into the online marketing foray; would be to spend the time and find a reputable mentor with a developed and proven educational system and a comprehensive information library. This is what basically changed things for me after many years of dabbling in internet marketing while working as an IT tech, now I work where, whenever and however long I want.

If you would like to evaluate the program and mentor who help me to explode my marketing revenue, then please feel free to visit this site:

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